From September 17-18, the AMR Policy Accelerator team facilitated the first Smart Choice Process (SCP) workshop in Rwanda, the country of a thousand hills. This workshop, developed by the AMR Policy Accelerator, is an effective process to rank and prioritize interventions to develop or update a country’s national action plan (NAP) on AMR.
In collaboration with the Rwanda Biomedical Centre—led by Professor Claude Mambo Muvunyi, Director General, and Gashegu Misbah, Director of the One Health Unit—our team conducted the SCP workshop alongside on-site facilitators including Geneviève Boily-Larouche, Managing Director; Kadia Petricca, Senior Policy Lead; Suzanne Naro, Policy Advisor; and Nicole Chung, Policy and Research Intern.
A Collaborative Effort Across One Health Sectors
Funded by Partners in Health, the workshop brought together country experts from the human, animal, and environmental health sectors. This diverse group of experts offered unique perspectives in identifying and prioritizing interventions on AMR to ensure sustainable implementation of their NAP.

The AMR Policy Accelerator is committed to working with more countries in the future, helping them to systematically and transparently prioritize interventions to ensure sustainable implementation of action plans.
Learn how you can get involved in the Smart Choice Process here: https://amrpolicy.org/resources/smart-choice/