Research for better policies
and a healthier world.
We advise governments and public health organizations on
how to design laws, policies and institutions that make the
world a healthier place for everyone.

The rapid rise of antimicrobial resistance over the last few decades is a major threat to global health. We work to integrate the science of global strategy on coordinated global action to improve innovation, collaboration, and attention among global health actors and the public.

Global legal epidemiology is the scientific study of international law as a factor in the cause, distribution and promotion of health around the world. We work to evaluate the effectiveness of international legal mechanisms and generate evidence in support of the development of future treaties.

International, national, and sub-national institutions play a critical role in public health. We bridge disciplinary divides to understand today’s public health institutions and advise governments and organizations around the world on institutional design for tomorrow’s challenges.

Based at the Global Strategy Lab at York University, the AMR Policy Accelerator combines rigorous research expertise with the client-focus and agility of consultancies. Our research and advisory services benefit from a One Health approach that recognizes human, animal and environmental health are interconnected. Learn more about the AMR Policy Accelerator and how we can help address your AMR policy concerns.