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Patrick Fafard

Research Director, Public Health Institutions

Full Professor, Public and International Affairs and Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health, York University

Patrick Fafard has enjoyed a lengthy career that spans both government and academe. While with the Government of Canada he served as a Director-General in the Intergovernmental Affairs Secretariat of the Privy Council Office, and at the provincial level he served in multiple capacities with three provincial governments, including as Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Commission on Medicare (2000-2001).

Patrick’s academic interests are wide-ranging, and he is the author, co-author and editor of numerous publications on public health, trade, and environmental policies, and intergovernmental relations. Patrick’s most recent work has appeared in Health Policy Link , Evidence and Policy Link , Public Health Link , and the Canadian Journal of Public Health Link . He is the co-editor of a recently published book, Integrating Science and Politics for Public Health Link and serves as co-editor of the monograph series, Palgrave Studies in Public Health Policy Research Link .

Patrick’s current teaching and research includes the public administration of public health, building the political science of public health, and global health governance to address the challenge of antimicrobial resistance. Patrick also serves in leadership roles for the Global Strategy Lab at York University and the University of Ottawa and for the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics Link , the Institute for Science, Society and Policy Link , and the Ottawa Hub for Harm Reduction Link at the University of Ottawa. 

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