
GSL Research Fellow Discusses Loosening of COVID-19 Restrictions in Québec

Over the last couple of weeks, GSL Research Fellow and Johns Hopkins doctoral candidate Prativa Baral appeared in a number of media outlets discussing the current COVID-19 situation in Québec in light of the provincial government easing certain public health measures. Read a summary of these appearances below:

On February 11, Baral appeared on 580 CFRA’s Ottawa At Work with Leslie Roberts. In the interview, she spoke to Roberts about COVID testing diversity, the virtues of the new “double-masking” recommendations from the CDC, COVID vaccine efficiency in light of the newly circulating variants and Ontario’s decision to move its March break to April among many other things.

Listen to the full interview below. Baral’s segment starts at 24:00 mins.

On February 16, Baral was interviewed on CBC Montreal’s 6pm news with Debra Arbec in connection with the government of Québec’s decision to roll back a number of public health measures in light of lower COVID-19 case numbers. In the segment, she argued that it wasn’t the time to take unnecessary risks such as going to the movie theatre which is now possible again in Québec and that the progress that has been made under strict lockdown rules over the last couple of weeks could just as easily be negated again – especially with the emergence of the more contagious variants.

Watch the full interview below. The segment starts at 3:44 mins.

On February 17, Baral was quoted in an article in the Montreal Gazette on the loosened restrictions in Québec arguing again that the important strides that had been made in recent weeks could disappear if people didn’t remain vigilant:

“As we’ve seen over the past year, the earlier you act and the more aggressively you act at an earlier point, the higher the likelihood of limiting the spread. We really don’t want these variants to be the dominant spread in Quebec.”

Read the full article here.

Baral made similar remarks in an interview with CityNews Montreal. You can watch that interview here.


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