
GSL Publishes Article On Governing Global Antimicrobial Resistance: 6 Key Lessons From the Paris Climate Agreement.

On March 23, GSL Research Fellow Isaac Weldon, Investigator Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Investigator A.M. Viens, and Director Steven J. Hoffman published an article in the American Journal of Public Health titled, “Governing Global Antimicrobial Resistance: 6 Key Lessons From the Paris Climate Agreement.”

The authors discuss how the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, successfully mobilized substantial collective action to protect a shared global common-pool resource similar enough to antimicrobial effectiveness that it can provide lessons for advancing global action in this area. AMR lacks an equivalent global vehicle for building cooperation and would benefit from a Paris Agreement–style coordinating structure. The Paris Agreement offers 6 key lessons relevant to managing global antimicrobial commons: 1) A collective global goal; 2) A focus on social and economic transformation; 3) Nationally determined contributions pledged, reviewed, and ratcheted every 5 years; 4) An annual multistakeholder forum; 5) Global scientific stock taking every 5 years; 6) International Legal Framework.

The article can be read here.


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