
GSL Associate Director co-authors article on global governance mechanisms of AMR in the Journal of Public Health Policy

Title card for JPHP article

On September 9, GSL Associate Director Patrick Fafard, together with nine other public health, political science and medicine scholars published an article in the Journal of Public Health Policy about their effort to conduct a narrative review to map dominant ideas and academic debates about AMR governance.

In the article, Ruckert et al. found two categories of global governance mechanisms that would address the five areas of essential global collective action to address in the realm of AMR as outlined by the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Organisation for Animal Health  (surveillance; prevention and control; global awareness; promoting responsible use; innovation):

  • Binding mechanisms such as treaties, covenants, protocols, and accords—the ‘gold standard’ in global health governance — which hold signatories legally responsible and accountable.

  • Non-binding mechanisms such as political declarations, resolutions, and operational guidelines; public-private partnership-based governance mechanisms; and voluntary governance initiatives.

The authors suggest that a combination of non-binding and binding governance mechanisms supported by leading antimicrobial use countries and important AMR stakeholders, and informed by One Health principles, may be best suited to tackle AMR.

Read the full article here.


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