
The Global Health Law Consortium Hosts its Annual Conference: Aligning Hard and Soft Global Health Law in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

The Global Health Law Consortium’s Annual Conference focused on the development, implementation, and interaction of soft and hard global health laws, from instruments like the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework and the International Health Regulations, to a prospective Pandemic Treaty. Participants considered these instruments in relation to human rights and global health policy.

The keynote, Reifying the Siracusa Principles in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, featured Sam Zarifi as the Keynote Speaker and Sharifah Sekalala as the Keynote Chair.

The Pandemic Law-Making panel discussion, chaired by Lisa Forman, featured Gian Luca Burci’s presentation titled “Do we need a Pandemic Treaty?” and Pedro Villarreal’s presentation titled “Revisiting the ‘invisible’ International Health Regulations.”

The panel discussion Does WHO make soft law hard? was chaired by Judith Bueno de Mesquita, featured Steven Hoffman’s presentation titled “The Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance” and Mark Eccleston-Turner’s presentation titled “The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework.”

In the final panel of the conference chaired by Benjamin Mason Meier, Human Rights and Global Health Policy, Stephanie Dagron discussed “The Agenda 2030 and its Implications for Global Health Law” and Alicia Ely Yamin presented “Human Rights and Global Health Law: ‘Ships Passing in the Night’?”

Access the conference page here.


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