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Mathieu Poirier

Director, Global Strategy Lab

Research Director, Global Legal Epidemiology

York Research Chair (Tier II) in Global Health Equity

Assistant Professor of Social Epidemiology, York University

Mathieu Poirier is the Director of the Global Strategy Lab, York Research Chair (Tier II) in Global Health Equity, and Assistant Professor of Social Epidemiology at the School of Global Health. His research ranges from evaluating international law to developing health equity metrics and generating policy-relevant research on socially and politically determined inequities in health. As Research Director for Global Legal Epidemiology with GSL, Dr. Poirier has led evaluations of global tobacco use and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) published in the BMJ and Tobacco Control, while his global health equity research has been published in Social Science & Medicine, the Bulletin of the World Health OrganizationSocial Indicators Research, and Population Health Metrics, among others. 

He is a member of the WHO Collaborating Centre on the Global Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance, has worked throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, and has previously directed vector-borne disease research for the University of Notre Dame Haiti Program. As a founding member of the Grounded Project, he was Academic Lead and Executive Producer of the documentary film More Than Migrants and supports the Las Nubes EcoCampus study abroad program in Costa Rica. Dr. Poirier’s teaching makes use of experiential education to cultivate critical thinking skills, including the use of Globally Networked Learning Environments.

Mathieu holds a BSc of Biological Sciences from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, an MPH in Global Health Practice from the University of South Florida, and a PhD in Health Policy from McMaster University.

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