
GSL Senior Investigator Patrick Fafard Makes Guest Appearance in Radio Canada’s show Sur le vif

On August 19, Professor Patrick Fafard provided his observations on the measures announced on August 18 by the Ontario government to address the crisis in hospitals in the latest episode of Sur Le Vif on Radio Canada.

On twitter, Fafard shared: “My observations on the measures announced yesterday by Ontario to address the crisis in hospitals. in brief, good, but with enormous risks that the results are quite modest because, among other things, nothing real to deal with COVID”.

Listen to Professor Patrick Fafard’s interview below:



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GSL Publishes Groundbreaking Global Legal Epidemiological Research: International Treaties Have Mostly Failed to Produce Their Intended Effects


August 23, 2022

GSL's Research Director for Global AMR Susan Rogers Van Katwyk and Dahdaleh Research Fellow Fiona Emdin present at the 16th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 16)