GSL Research Fellow and PhD Candidate of Law at York University Roojin Habibi has been appointed to a prestigious position on WHO’s Review Committee regarding amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005). The sole purpose of this Review Committee is to provide technical recommendations to the Director-General on amendments proposed by WHO Member States to the IHR, as decided by the Health Assembly in Decision WHA75.
In accordance with Decision WHA75, the technical recommendations formulated by this Review Committee will inform the work of the Member States Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (WGIHR). In accordance with the same decision the WGIHR will be convened by 15 November 2022 and will present its proposed amendments to the IHR for consideration by the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly in 2024.
The work of this Committee follows the World Health Assembly’s decision taken earlier this May to launch a process towards targeted amendments of the IHR. The Regulations were last revised in the wake of SARS, another coronavirus outbreak that shook the world more than 15 years ago.
Read more about the Committee’s work and terms of reference here.