
GSL Publishes Article in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health: “Principles and methods of global legal epidemiology”.

On June 15th, GSL Co-Director Mathieu Poirier, Research Fellow Gigi Lin, Research Fellow Tina Nanyangwe-Moyo, Investigator Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Investigator A.M Viens and GSL Director Steven Hoffman published an article in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health titled, “Principles and methods of global legal epidemiology”.

In the article, the authors analyze the principles and methods of global legal epidemiology, and describe the pathways through which international laws can have impacts independently from their legal implementation within countries and detail key differences between the study of international and domestic law from a population health perspective.

Global Legal Epidemiology is an emerging scientific approach that aims to bring rigour to the design, implementation, enforcement, and evaluation of International Law to improve health and health equity across the globe. Although legal epidemiology has been used to study domestic law as a factor in the cause, distribution, and prevention of disease and injury, the challenges posed by shifting analysis to the global legal space have not yet been fully explored.

Explore the key findings through this infographic.

Our era of pandemics and globalization has underscored the importance of the global dimensions of the legal, political, and social determinants of health in an increasingly interconnected world.The Global Legal Epidemiology (GLE) field will continue to grow and produce rigorous and impactful research on the international laws, policies, and norms that shape our collective health, equity, and wellbeing.

Read the article here.


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