
GSL Publishes Article in Health Research Policy and Systems Journal introducing Methodology to Assess a country’s research expertise

On April 11, GSL Research Fellow Ranjana Nagi, GSL Investigator Susan Rogers van Katwyk and GSL Director Steven Hoffman published an article introducing a methodology to rapidly assess a country’s global health research expertise and its application for the Canadian context.

In the article, the research team developed a three-pronged rapid environmental scan to evaluate Canadian global health research expertise that focused on research funding inputs, research activities and research outputs.

This approach allowed them to rapidly identify clear geographic and substantive areas of strength in Canadian global health research, including urban regions and research focused on health equity and globalisation topics.

This information can be used to support research policy directives, including to inform a Canadian global health research strategy, and to allow relevant academic institutions and funding organisations to make more strategic decisions regarding their future investments.

To read the full article, click here.

Watch the video on the right to watch lead author Ranjana Nagi explain the research’s salience, how the team went about this project and what they found.

This is Ranjana’s first publication as lead author for GSL. The whole team would like to congratulate her and hopes it is the first of many.


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