
GSL Director Quoted in Globe and Mail article on the Canadian Government’s Deal with two COVID-Vaccine Manufacturers

On August 31, GSL Director Steven Hoffman was quoted in a Globe and Mail article that discussed the Canadian government’s decision to secure COVID-19 vaccines for Canadians by directly dealing with two US-based vaccine manufacturers.

In the article, Hoffman commented that this is not the vaccine supply should work around the world. Countries should work through the World Health Organization to secure vaccines for their populations. However, Hoffman acknowledged that once other big countries had started ordering vaccine supplies directly at the manufacturers Canada had little alternatives but to follow suit.

Read the full article here.


September 11, 2020

GSL Publishes 14-article special issue reflecting on our "Immune Nations" Research-Creation Project


September 11, 2020

GSL Director Appears on the Evan Solomon Show to discuss the current state of COVID-19 vaccine developments