The Global Strategy Lab is a proud founding member of INAMRSS, a network dedicated to social science research and policy on antimicrobial resistance
Since 2019, the International Network for AMR Social Science (INAMRSS) has served as an open consortium of international academic centers focused on social science research and policy on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The Global Strategy Lab is a founding member of the network.
INAMRSS was initially created to coordinate academic input from social scientists for the Global AMR R&D Hub. It functions as a network of networks, fostering international research collaboration by tying together research leaders from diverse regional, national, and international AMR research centers.
The members of INAMRSS have substantial impact on global AMR research and policymaking, with many of the center leaders serving as advisors to their national governments and international organizations.
INAMRSS is led by Professor Timo Minssen (Chair), Professor Clare Chandler (Vice-Chair), Dr. Susan Rogers Van Katwyk (Vice-Chair) and Professor Kevin Outterson (Vice-Chair). Please contact us at if you have any questions or if your research centre would like to join the network.
Project outputs
- AMR Centre, LSHTM, UK (Prof Clare Chandler, Director)
- AMR Research Group, WHO Collaborating Center, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland (Prof Stephan Harbarth, Director)
- Antibiotic Action Center, George Washington University, USA (Prof Lance Price, Director)
- Center for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CEBIL), University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Prof Timo Minssen, Director)
- Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP), India & Princeton, USA (Prof Ramanan Laxminarayan, Director)
- Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy, University of Minnesota, USA (Prof Michael T. Osterholm, Director)
- Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK (Dr. Kathy Liddell, Director)
- Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, Germany (Miriam Steinhart, LL.M. Designate)
- Value-ABP RJ Project, Uppsala Antibiotic Center, Uppsala University, Sweden (Prof Francesco Ciabuschi, Leader)
- VALUE-DX, ECRAID, University of Antwerp, Belgium (Prof Herman Goossens, Director)
- Global Strategy Lab, York University, Canada (Prof Steven J. Hoffman, Director)
- Program On Regulation, Therapeutics, And Law (PORTAL), Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, USA (Dr. Aaron Kesselheim, Director)
- Social Innovation in Drug Resistance (SIDR) (Prof Kevin Outterson, Director)