In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic thrust Chief Medical Officers of Health (CMOHs) into the spotlight and revealed key misunderstandings in public discourse about the roles of senior public health leadership. Despite their critical role in providing information and influencing public behavior during emergencies, little is known about how they balance competing scientific and political priorities in their work.
In Canada, the need for organs for transplantation far exceeds the donated supply, despite the long-term goal of the organ donation and transplantation (ODT) system is to achieve the balance between donated organs and transplant patient needs. To address some of the challenges with the current system, GSL’s Public Health Institutions team has engaged with stakeholders and system leaders to provide a series of options for an improved ODT governance structure in Canada, ultimately improving population health outcomes.
Although public health is inherently political, the tools and insights of political science are seldom integrated into public health research and analysis. Building bridges between these disciplines can contribute to a more effective and actionable understanding of the role of science and politics in public health policymaking. This project bridges disciplinary divides to show how a political science with public health is both desirable and possible.