
GSL Publishes special issue on AMR in Health Care Analysis

Title card of Health Care Analysis article

On March 31, the Health Care Analysis journal, which is edited by GSL Investigator A.M. Viens, published a special issue on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), containing an introduction to governing the antimicrobial commons and two articles discussing how international law could aid in the establishment of an international agreement on AMR.

The introduction article was written by GSL Director Steven Hoffman with the collaboration of, among others, GSL Investigator Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, GSL Research Fellow Isaac Weldon, and GSL Research Coordinator Brooke Campus. The piece introduces the challenges of AMR and introduces the idea of international law as a tool to contain it.

The second article looks at the processes of achieving international agreements in the realm of climate change as a possible example to model an AMR agreement after in the short term. For more information read our news story we posted regarding this article back in January. The article was written by GSL Investigator Susan Rogers Van Katwyk with contributions from, among others, GSL Director Steven Hoffman and GSL Research Fellow Isaac Weldon.

The third article explores the more long-term solution of what role international law could play in establishing a binding international treaty on AMR. The article was written by GSL Investigator Susan Rogers Van Katwyk with contributions from, among others, GSL Director Steven Hoffman and GSL Research Fellow Isaac Weldon.

Read the introduction paper here.
Read the climate change article here.
Read the international law article here.

Health Care Analysis has also issued a call for commentaries on this issue. Any interested parties can get information here.


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