Publication | October 30, 2024
Program Types: Public Health Institutions
resources | March 5, 2024
Infographic: Policy Implications of the Phrase“Following the Science”
Infographic on the policy implications of the phrase "following the science."
Publication | January 8, 2024
Science Advice and Public Input: The Case of Public Health
resources | December 19, 2023
Public Health Decision-making is More Than Just “Following the Science”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many leaders said they were "following the science" when making public health decisions. This article fills a gap in existing research by examining how the phrase "following the science" misrepresents the role of scientific evidence in policymaking, the relationship among politicians and public health officials, and...
resources | August 21, 2023
GSL Releases New Mini Series: Politics Is A Feature, Not A Bug
In our new mini series “Politics is a Feature, Not a Bug”, we interview GSL Senior Investigator Patrick Fafard, GSL Research Director Adèle Cassola and Evelyne de Leeuw, Professor at the University of New South Wales, among some of the authors behind Integrating Science and Politics for Public Health as...
resources | August 4, 2023
Public Health Decision-making is More Than Just “Following the Science”
Publication | August 4, 2023
The illusion and implications of ‘just following the science’ COVID-19 messaging
Publication | June 1, 2023
Analysing the ‘follow the science’ rhetoric of government responses to COVID-19
Project | April 6, 2023
Understanding the Role of Senior Public Health Officials
In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic thrust Chief Medical Officers of Health (CMOHs) into the spotlight and revealed key misunderstandings in public discourse about the roles of senior public health leadership. Despite their critical role in providing information and influencing public behavior during emergencies, little is known about how they...
Project | April 6, 2023
Improving Organ Donation and Transplantation Governance to Meet Patient Needs
In Canada, the need for organs for transplantation far exceeds the donated supply, despite the long-term goal of the organ donation and transplantation (ODT) system is to achieve the balance between donated organs and transplant patient needs. To address some of the challenges with the current system, GSL’s Public Health...