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Chloe Clifford Astbury

Research Associate

Chloe Clifford Astbury is a Research Associate in the AMR Policy Accelerator, with interests in One Health approaches to AMR governance and policy. Prior to joining GSL, Chloe’s research focused on the application of systems thinking to food system policy for the prevention of both communicable and non-communicable diseases. She is interested in supporting the transition to a healthier, fairer and more sustainable food system through integrated food system policy across food production and agriculture, processing, trade and public health.

Chloe has worked as a research and evaluation consultant for organisations including the World Health Organization, the International Development Research Centre, the United Nations, Public Health England and Ontario Health. As part of her doctoral training, Chloe completed a placement in the UK House of Commons, working as a Committee Specialist in the Parliamentary Select Committee for Housing, Communities and Local Government. Chloe is a winner of the International Policy Ideas Challenge sponsored by Global Affairs Canada, as well as the Milo Keynes Prize for Outstanding Dissertation in the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cambridge.

Chloe has a strong interest in developing and delivering training around systems- and complexity-informed research methods. She has delivered workshops and courses on this topic on behalf of the World Health Organization, and at research institutions in Canada and internationally.

Chloe holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health, an MPhil in Public Health, and a BA in Anthropology, all from the University of Cambridge.

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